Salad is the easiest and most trusted way to computeshare.

Since our founding, that mission statement has appeared, in some form or another, on everything from blackboards and slide decks to pizza boxes and foreheads. It's a testament to the tireless efforts of everyone who has helped build Salad into a successful company—but a brand is more than a mission statement.

The true measure of a brand is the integrity of its viewpoint. Making money may help us pursue the objective, but our brand values represent promises made to ourselves, our partners, and our friends in The Kitchen.

Champion Collaboration

The Internet is a symphony, and we all have an important part to play in its third movement. Our role is that of a facilitator. We believe that the future we call Web3 must enshrine its users and its innovators as equal inheritors. To restore the web's peer-to-peer foundations, we must help everyone participate, forge lasting connections, and beat time for unsung ideas.

Every criticism is a chance to improve, and every wishlist feature is a potential pursuit. Whenever we can, we ask Salad Chefs to share experiences, redefine expectations, and author our community's most emblematic moments.

To best embody the unique visions of our partners, our services must continuously adapt We choose to explore emergent technologies and embrace changing attitudes, so that SaladCloud will always provide meaningful services to help realize compute applications.

It is our responsibility to advocate for our users and bolster our peers. We consciously and autonomously undertake worthy initiatives, and we refuse to let good ideas die on the vine.

Step up, not on.

We believe that human interactions must originate from a place of careful attenuation. Empathetic humility is the first-stage ablution that fosters understanding between ourselves and everyone we address. Only by respecting our disparate identities and values can we accentuate everyone's contributions.

Our work complements dreams—and never quashes hopes. We practice gratitude to those who make Salad possible, and we celebrate them as the sovereign heroes of their own stories. No one is a data point, a server, or a node, but a real person with real desires.

We give shape to our partners' designs. It is our responsibility to find solutions that incorporate creative ingredients from all stakeholders, develop implementation strategies to suit any palate, and plant our partners' standards firmly atop the next peaks.

There is merit to every ingredient, even if it doesn't make it into the recipe. We do not dismiss ideas without first trying to enhance them with new notions. If we must disagree, we do so only to amplify.

We never talk down to or disparage the people we encounter. Drama is bitter greens, and we save no place for it in our Kitchen.

All truth, No bullshit.

Great relationships are built on trust. Honesty is vital to establishing new contacts, and maintaining the trust that defines an enduring partnership. In a world of natural skepticism, we take transparency and forthrightness as our lodestars. We tell the truth in conversation with our users, partners, and peers—even when it's difficult.

Our users will always know exactly what happens on their hardware. We broadcast our intentions as widely as we can, and we strive to provision everyone with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about computesharing on Salad.

We hold ourselves accountable to our partners. It is our duty to foresee setbacks, establish firm expectations, and never promise more (or less) than the utmost of our talents.

We speak plainly but thoughtfully with peers. The sooner we understand one another, the sooner we can do great things together.

Salad Chefs answer to the exact height of our knowledge (and no further), and perform at the peak of our effort (and no less). Mistakes are made and forgiven just as readily—but we never allow ourselves to make excuses.

Disciplined, Not policed.

We recognize autonomy as the engine of ingenuity. That is why we never implement a rule without first asking how it may affect the game for others. Our team actively promotes a sense of rigorous self-discipline among our peers and community, yet encourages experimentation and flexibility. Some rules shouldn't be broken, but we've found that most are pretty bendy.

We allow our community to interact however they want, as long as no one gets stepped on. Salad Chefs are free to explore and broadcast their identities in our social spheres, plan community events, and adjust our open-source software to their tastes.

Whenever we develop new projects with partners, we take extreme ownership of our commitments, maintain open communication, and inform stakeholders about ongoing developments. SaladCloud customers should never wonder what we've got cooking.

Our staff trusts one another to pursue a high standard of excellence within an individual framework. We get our work done on our own time, our own way—and we mindfully collaborate so our peers can do the same.

Even the most careful recipes do not describe a meal; they merely detail its constituent elements, and furnish a way to approximate a concept in reality. Our brand values can never relay the totality of our vision, but we hope they may help shape our efforts in a formless world.